Rebecca Graduates!

2011 November 25

Created by Boyd 2 years ago

For years Auntie Bex knew she was capable of so much more than what she was doing. She was artistic and creative, loved to draw and take photos. She thought about going to Uni but she was a few years behind and used to think that it was too late to start! One year we spoke and we talked about how if she had started when we first spoke about it, she'd be nearly finished by now!


So she did it. I remember dropping her off at the Uni for her interview and she was panicking seeing other people go in with their impressive looking portfolios and feeling nervous that everyone would be better than her.


She came back out an hour later and was beaming! Auntie Bex went on to have probably the best 3 years of her life, making new friends, sharing new experiences with them and having a wonderful outlet for her creative passions! And she partied. Oh she partied hard!


On Monday 25th November 2011 she graduated with a 2:1 degree from Solent Uni. Nanny Jean, G-Dog, Great Nanny Nell and myself went along for photo's with her and then Nanny Nell and I watched the ceremony from a live stream at home whilst Nanny Jean and Grandad watched her and her friends go onstage and shake hands with important University people, all dressed up on their gowns and Mortar boards - we were all very proud and leaned the lesson that it is never too late to follow your dreams and in a year (or three years time) you'll have wish you started today!
